Adoption Learning Partners: Provides educational adoption resources for adopted individuals, parents, families and professionals through web-based and timely, interactive courses. Visit for more information.​
The National Council for Adoption: A non-profit advocate group promoting adoption through research, legislative action and education. They provide information about adoption, birth mother testimonials, adoption resources and links to adoption agencies. Visit and for more information.
The National Foster Care & Adoption Directory Search: Provides a customized search for foster care and adoptive resources by state through the Child Welfare Information Gateway. Visit for more information.
Sherri Eldridge: Author, Speaker, and Adoption Advocate: Sherri’s website is a great resource for adoptees, parents and social workers to learn about adoption. Visit for more information.
AdoptUSKids: A national project that connects children in foster care with families. Visit
Visto: An Iowa-based organization dedicated in providing local and online resources, education and support for members of the adoption triad. Visit for more information.
Adoptee Resources:
The American Adoption Congress: An organization that strives for public awareness of adoption, adoption reform and facilitating reunification with birth families. Visit for more information.
The Children’s Home Society & Family Services: Provides help in guiding children into permanent and loving homes, while also preparing children for success through early childhood care and education. Visit for more information.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption: An organization created for children in foster care who are awaiting permanent family placement, while also providing useful adoption resources. Visit for more information.
The National Resource Center for Adoption: A part of the Children’s Bureau that provides current information on child welfare adoption, while the vision is to provide permanent families for children. Visit for more information.
The North American Council of Adoptable to Families Rising: Committed to finding permanent families for children in North America that are waiting to be placed with permanent families. Visit for more information.
Birth Parent Resources:
Birth Mothers for Adoption: A blog for birth mothers to write about their experiences with adoption in order to connect and share with others. Visit for more information.
Adoptive Parent Resources:
The Adoptive Families Association of BC: Dedicated to provide support, education and connections to adoptive families, and to find permanent families for children. Visit for more information.
The Adoptive Family Support Network: Provides information and resources specifically for adoptive families who are either in the process of adopting or have already adopted. Visit for more information.
The Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association: A great resource for both adoptive, kinship and foster families to find and receive required training in Iowa. Visit for more information.
Voice for Adoption: Speaking Out for Our Nation’s Waiting Children: Advocates that work closely with the legislature and other organizations to help children waiting in foster care become adopted. Visit for more information.
Home Studies:
Department of Human Services: A compiled list of certified and licensed adoption investigators in the state of Iowa. View the list here.
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